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Ochtendhumeur op Radio 1
Karin Spaink
De columns van
Henk Westbroek


Recente columns

840. Mijn zoekgeraakte portemonnee (11/11/2013)

839. Bosco, de hond die burgemeester werd (31/10/2013)

838. Zwarte Piet (25/10/2013)

837. Het raadsel van de luide brom (21/10/2013)

836. Beeldvorming (4) (18/10/2013)

835. Beeldvorming (3) (16/10/2013)

834. Beeldvorming (2) (15/10/2013)

833. Beeldvorming (1) (13/10/2013)

832. Ik mis mijn kat (6/11/2012)

831. Meesterkraker Aage M. (3/11/2012)

830. 100 jaar aan viezigheid (29/10/2012)

829. Charles Sobhraj (deel 2) (29/8/2012)

828. Charles Sobhraj (deel 1) (23/8/2012)

827. Misdaad wat de klok slaat (3) (19/8/2012)

826. Misdaad wat de klok slaat (2) (17/8/2012)

825. Misdaad wat de klok slaat (15/8/2012)

824. Detective-maand (7/7/2012)

823. Twee, soort van gedichten (13/6/2012)

822. Whoessjj! (7/6/2012)

821. Slaapdronken (4/6/2012)

820. De obsessie van een kat (27/5/2012)

819. De omroepkiezer (12/5/2012)

818. Niet één maar drie Titanic's (15/4/2012)

817. Ik heb zelf ook een ergernis.... (14/4/2012)

816. Over op Linux (10/4/2012)

815. Géén gouwe ouwen (31/3/2012)

814. Taal is zeg maar een levend ding (20/3/2012)

813. Cold reading (10/3/2012)

812. De Big Brother Awards (8/3/2012)

811. De modepolitie bepaalt (6/3/2012)

810. Vrouwenzender (3/3/2012)

809. Het 'zinloze' spoorviaduct (29/2/2012)

808. Het mysterie van het verdwenen zolderraam (23/2/2012)

807. De atoomwolk (4/2/2012)

806z.Ice Pilots op Discovery (22/1/2012)

806.De schaapsherders van de zee (2) (21/1/2012)

805.De schaapsherders van de zee (16/1/2012)

804.Zonde van de centen (10/1/2012)

803.De treinramp bij Harmelen (9/1/2012)

802. De Nederlanders en het water (8/1/2012)




mailinglijst columns 



op Twitter @shortiezzz



Foto nummer a008, gemaakt op 1 september 2012, Frederique bezweek aan een nierkwaal op 19 oktober.
©2013, www.shorties.nl / GoHansBrinker.com - Klik op de foto voor de fotosite



841. Why English?

13 november 2013
©2013, copyright: GoHansBrinker.com

Some years ago I bought the domain name GoHansBrinker.com because I wanted to start a website with personality-drive columns in English, next to my existing blog which could be found at several places on the web, but most importantly was present on the former XS4ALL Blogger platform.

The plan to write in English however never materialised, and I went on writing in Dutch (my actual native language) eventually using the GoHansBrinker.com domain for the Dutch languaged texts.

It is a bit difficult. I did several attempts to write these columns in English as well. And it is also not the problem that I don't write in English just as easy as I do in Dutch (because I do), but plans in that direction always seem to fail on for example not wanting to estrange my Dutch readers (which really I do not want to do), and then in turn fail on the extra work to translate the texts in Dutch, to not let my usual readers look away.

Most Dutch people speak and understand English (and to a lesser account German) fairly well. But reading and writing is a lot more difficult, as is understanding small subtleties and things like reading some underlying connotation hidden between the lines.

I could solve that easily by keeping myself from going in too deep, or even writing in something like Simplified English which (I believe) has a limited amount of different words of around 2 or 3000 or so to keep things understandable, especially for the non-English speaking. But that would also squeeze out the fun of it for me as a writer a little bit too much.

So I don't know what I will do. Maybe it would be a good practise for al these 'Dutchies', if I would publish all my columns first in English one day, teasing and maybe stimulating them a bit first, and then the next day running the same story, but then in Dutch. If I can just get them curious enough they maybe cannot wait and have a good reading practise in the process. :-) 

Another thing that is keeping me wondering just a little bit is, should I write in proper UK English (as I do in this first one in English), or maybe better using USA English or even being international and use some kind of mix of both to appeal to the largest number of potential readers?

I just don't know. I would surely like to write some more in English, so that is what I most probably will do a bit more in the next at least 25 texts or so. Most probably supplying Dutch translations on the same day or one day later as well. I think it will be fun, especially to describe some typical Dutch (ab)normalities, for those who do not know. Maybe that special kind of texts won't even translate into Dutch too well because Dutch natives maybe won't derive the humor (which in that case most probably is on their expense...) from what's being told.

[In of bij de volgende column volgt bij voldoende belangstelling een vertaling]

Categorie: bespiegeling - plusminus 508 woorden - Alles op deze website is in principe fictie, hoewel er elementen uit de realiteit kunnen zijn verwerkt. Aan de inhoud kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. De column is niet in alle gevallen heel geschikt voor jonge lezers.

Muziektip: Daddy's Girl - Upside Down

Voor meer columns ga naar www.GoHansBrinker.com (als je daar tenminste al niet bent :-) )
De columns per mail ontvangen? Abonneer je op de mailinglijst door een mailtje te sturen naar x@xdv.me met als onderwerp "Aanmelden Mailinglijst Columns" 
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