Ham Radio - Zendamateurisme - Amateurfunker Emergency
Radio Your host: Peter John
Wednesday April 1st is the start of the Emergency Radio Ham Radio News bulletins twice a day on 49 and 41 meter. Each bulletin is 5 minutes long, at least the first week, the first is half in English, the second in Dutch. Later maybe only English. Schedule for the next month is as follows: 1700 UTC, both on 7310 kHz and 6005 kHz. (AM) 0800 UTC 7310 kHz only. Rerun of the news from the night before. Old episodes can be played at www.pa0ete.nl Bulletins in this form will at least run all month in April, if succesful the experiment will be prolongued. There will be a (simple) web site: www.emergency-radio.net, mail address: dx@xdv.me
Estimate by Voacap of the range of 7310 kHz at the time of the bulletins: